Romancing the Discourse
An online romance lecture and Q&A series for the romance reader, writer and academic, and the perfect entry point in the genre for the romance-curious.
Discover how food can play an integral part in a contemporary romance; how erotic romances use kink as liberation; and how paranormal romance can degender agency.
In thirteen sessions that cover everything from dystopian and science fiction romance to old school romance, learn more about the subtleties of the genre, and how the promise of a Happy Ever After allows writers to take risks.
Download the Reading List now.
Moments of Realism: Contemporary Romance
The Impiortance of Food: Contemporary Romance
The Past Doesn't Have to be Euro-Centric: Historical Romance
Love OUtside the Ballroom: Historical Romance
Degendering Agency: Paranormal Romance
Imagining Possibilities: Fantasy Romance
Found Family Ties: Science Fiction and Dystopian Romance
Blending Genres: Romantic Suspense
Kink as Liberation: Erotic Romance
Consent in the Dark: Dark and Morality Chain Romance
Coming of Age and Falling in Love: YA Romance
Meeting Genre Expectations: Category Romance
Punishing Kisses: Old School Romance